About Replica Watch Factory – Clean, APS, ZF, OM and 3K

Replicarolex.sr introduced the stories of some replica watch manufacturers, including CleanAPS, ZF, OM, and 3K. Some readers showed interest and asked me to introduce VS Factory, which has been in this industry for many years. Over the years, I have learned some things, but I don’t know much about VS, so today, I write these things out for everyone to read.

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First, some readers still asked me where to buy Noob watches, I already mentioned on my previous posts that Noob has been closed forever, they won’t come back to the business in future.

About VS, this is really a big factory and has a longer history than any other watch makers in the market including Clean and ZF. VS is actually more famous than ZF and Clean all over the worldwide. Long long ago, someone went to the Zhanxi watch market and found that the replica Panerai PAM 111 and PAM 005 made by Noob were popular, then he decided to make better replica Panerai watches and sell, he believed that the automatic models would be more popular and started to make the first replica PAM 441. In 2015, the Panerai replicas they made are sold under name KW, and the other name V6 they used for selling replicas of Cartier Ballon Bleu. Those Panerai replicas they made at the beginning are using Shanghai 7750 movement with chronograph feature removed, some people said it is Dandong 7750, I do not know. This movement is added with extra plates with similar decoration to genuine P.9000 movement. The release of this movement was a big surprise at that time, and Panerai replicas made by KW became very hot, I think more popular than today.

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In the end of 2016, the first generation of super clone P.9000 movement was born, but it did not have an important feature, which is its hour hand could not be independently adjusted. The first generation of super clone P.9000 was a big improvement in fake Panerai field at that time. And they decided to use a new name VS in 2017, so VS was officially born. The first batch of replica Panerai watches with the super clone P.9000 movement, which include PAM 441 and PAM 661, immediately became the best sellers in the market once being introduced. The Cartier Ballon Bleu replicas from V6 were also being sold very well at the same time. They earned a lot of money. Later, they opened another branch named XF to make VC 2000V and AP 15202.

After, VS decided to make Omega Seamaster, the replica Seamaster 300m Omega watches came out first, I do not know which year it was, these Seamaster 300m replicas coming from VS are equipped with Asia clone 2824 automatic movement that was dressed to Omega 8800 calibre. The first batch of Omega Seamaster 300m replicas won a lot of customers immediately because of their super quality and clean assembly, because VS factory has already used fully automated production and assembly at that time. In the same year, the second generation of super clone P.9000 movement came out.

I do not know when Noob factory started to use Dandong 4130 movement in the Daytona, but in the same year, VS factory unveiled a lot of Omega replicas including Seamaster 150m and 600m as well as De Ville that use clone 8500 and clone 8900. From that time, customers who like Omega only bought the replicas from VS, because they have the best super clone 8500 and 8900 movement. About Panerai, all super clone P series movements are coming from VS.

In 2020, VS introduced two important movements, one is Dandong 3135, which is equipped in VS 40mm Submariner, the other is Dandong 3235, which is equipped in VS 41mm Submariner and Datejust. They started to seize the market share of replica Rolex. Later, the second generation of Shanghai 3135 movement used by other factories was born, but it still can not compete with VS 3135, that’s the reason why Clean abandon it and choose to use Dandong 3135.

Next, it is the raid, many factories closed, VS was closed for some time but it finally came back. During the closure period, we witnessed the rapid growth of another actory, which is Clean. If that raid did not happen, I think VS today controls the biggest market share of super clone Rolex. Do you agree? Because of that event, now VS delivers much slower than before. Anyway, you should feel lucky because VS is still in the business.

This article is provided by replicawatcheslondon.com, the best AAA replica watches sales website in the UK.Choose replicawatcheslondon.com when buying replica watches in the UK.


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